Why ChainEX is the best exchange in South Africa
Yes, we know there are a lot of exchanges in South Africa. But here's why you should use ChainEX

Before you say anything, yes, we know. There are a lot of cryptocurrency exchanges in South Africa. So why should you use ChainEX? For starters, everyone is talking about ChainEX 😄

Firstly, what’s a crypto exchange?
A cryptocurrency exchange or a digital asset exchange is a business that allows you as a trader and investor to trade cryptocurrencies or digital assets like Bitcoin for other assets, such as conventional fiat money like South African Rands, or other digital assets.
Make sense?

Zeros, zeros, and more zeros
Our maker fees are non-existent. Literally. Our maker fees are 0% 😄 Plus our minimum 30-day trading volume to earn referral rewards is 0.05 BTC.
It’s all about the coins
In the past few months alone we’ve paid out a total of 0.098 BTC between the period of July — September 2020. With September having had the highest payout at 0.045 BTC!

Let’s not forget Bitcoin Vault. The coin you all love to trade so much has gained so much traction from you! A total of 8.7 BTCV was paid out between July — September 2020! September had the highest payout AGAIN with 4.65 BTCV! As for October? A total of 2.5 BTCV and 0.22 BTC was paid out!

We have more than 20 tradeable cryptocurrencies on ChainEX. With Bitcoin on the rise, Ethereum & Bitcoin Vault gaining traction, what better time than now to invest in cryptos at ChainEX? 😆
More friends, more crypto 😄
How many friends do you have? How many people are in your circle? Now imagine if all those people paid you. They don’t, do they? No, unless you have really generous friends 😃

The list goes on 😃 From our amazing support, our informative YouTube channel, our community calls. What more do you need?
So what’s next?

Now? Well, now you register for ChainEX & download the app! Invite a friend to ChainEX and earn more rewards! Plus you’ll be partnering with what could potentially be the best cryptocurrency exchange in South Africa. I mean, EVERYONE is talking about ChainEX.
ChainEX is a South African digital asset exchange that provides a platform for South Africans to buy, sell, or trade a variety of different digital assets using the South African rand as the default fiat-buying currency.

ChainEX provides you with a secure, online platform from which you can purchase and trade with different digital assets. But you know this already :)
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All content and topics covered are mere opinions and do not constitute investment advice. Trading and investing in Bitcoin carries a high level of risk. We do not assume any responsibility for actions taken upon reading any of our articles. ChainEX is not a financial advisory firm, nor are we an investment manager.